Thursday, August 30, 2012

10 Months Old!

Allie Jane is 10 months old now!!! :(
She is hardly even a baby anymore, and she never stays still for more than 3 seconds.   Taking these bear pictures is increasingly difficult, so we have fewer and fewer good shots to choose from each month.   Allie is into everything.  She is so very, very busy during all of her waking hours.  As I type this, she is emptying the trash can next to me and spreading the contents all over the room.  She then turns into a human hamster and shreds or eats all of the paper for me.  So helpful!

Here is a picture of my helper:
By the time I've taken this picture and posted it on here, she has moved on to another pursuit.  She is now disassembling things on the other side of the room.

At 10 months old, Allie is crawling faster and faster every day.  She is pulling up to standing on anything she can, and this morning, she even climbed up the stairs.  She has gotten quite vocal when she is hungry lately too.  I think she might be in a little growth spurt because she will scream her head off and then down a whole thing of baby food in a few minutes.

She also just LOVES her big brother and sister.  She lights up from the minute she sees them when she wakes up.  Allie would be completely content to just crawl all over Kaden and Maddie and pull their hair.  They are only willing to cooperate with this for a limited period of time.  She also loves being kissed and tickled and has the most infectious laugh!

We love this little girl more and more each day.  Life is certainly more crazy with three kids, but well worth the extra baby snuggles and entertainment.  We are, however, not nearly ready for how mobile she is.  Our baby proofing is definitely sub par.  But we will get there eventually, and until then, we just try to keep her distracted and shredding and eating paper...That keeps her busy for quite a while :)

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