Allie Jane has survived another month in this crazy place. Despite all the manhandling she gets from her siblings, she remains an incredibly mild mannered and happy baby. She just smiles whenever people look at her and has such an infectious laugh. She has definitely figured out how to roll across the room to get to something that she wants. In fact, any time you put her on her back, she almost immediately rolls to her tummy. The only problem with this is that she also almost constantly spits up. We try to put blankets under her, but she prefers to pull those out of the way so she is free to spit up on the carpet. We will need a good carpet cleaning once she has kicked the spit up habit.
I don't know how big Allie has gotten in the last two months, but she definitely seems to have chunked up. Everyone remarks on her chubby cheeks and chunky little thighs. Now, I know there are much fatter babies, but for a Vanderploeg, she is looking a little thick! We will let you know after her 6 month check up this week how big she is.
Allie is also showing the most promise to be a blonde Vanderploeg. Her hair seems to be coming in much lighter than the other kids. It is almost making it look like her hair is really thinning, but we think it is just coming in really light. Only time will tell if Kent will finally get a child that looks a little more like him.
We did give Allie her first try of baby cereal this month. She seemed a little confused, but she ate some of it. We have only done this a few times, but by the second time she was grabbing my hand with the spoon and putting it in her mouth. I think she likes it!
We still have quite a bit of trouble getting Allie to take a bottle. She will take one from Kent if she is half asleep, but that is about it. We are hoping this doesn't predict future stubborn behavior that would make her very much like her older sister. I'm not sure we could take two Maddie's around here. (On a side note...I told Maddie yesterday that I don't want her getting any bigger. I then said that on second thought maybe I do want her to turn four because three is really exhausting me. Maddie said, "Three is exhausting me too!")
So we have made it another month. They really are going by too quickly. Allie is so big and so fun. Before long she will be sitting and walking and talking. So much to look forward to...
****The paper by her head is all folded up because Kaden stole it to make a paper airplane before we were done with our photo shoot! Everyone around here has their own agenda!
Monday, April 30, 2012
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Allie is finally big enough that I can trust the kids to hold her for a minute. (Ok, a few seconds, but they are super excited when I let them do it) Here are some cute pics from this week.
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